Friday, January 13, 2006

Horrible Scopeness

So I open up My Yahoo page this morning and proceed to read the news, and my horoscope. WTF!

Daily extended (by're not nervous, but you are getting antsy. You woke up with the insatiable urge to get out from your usual spot behind the scenes -- to leave the big chair on the main deck of the Enterprise, stop staring at the mega-screen, and explore the galaxy and everyone and everything in it. But are you really ready to charge out there and boldly go where you've never gone before? Stop wondering. You're quite ready. Just be sure to wear the gold uniform when you beam down -- you know what happens when you wear the red one.

What the hell does that mean?! Sigh.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

God I am getting old. That or I am just plain practical and prefer solitude over the required get togethers that are brought on by the winter holidays.

Which brings me to what I did last night, New Years Eve. Max watched a football game while I played WoW. Then I decided to head to bed and try and finish reading Shadow of Light. I fell asleep before I even opened the book.

Today my brother Tim would have been 46. I miss him terribly and don't particularly like this time of year at all. I even missed calling my sister Deedee to wish her a happy birthday on the 30th. She just turned 44. She is the same age as Bitz for 10 days.

Ah well. I don't even want to be contemplative at the moment. Or psychoanalyze myself or my feelings. It is what it is. I don't like New Years Day - and I miss my brother.